Friday, February 10, 2006

Whistle Blowing with MOW near track


It has been brought to the attention of this office that the FRA in Ft. Worth has recently taken exception to crews that did not properly sound the horn when approaching MOW employees on or near the track according to 8 and 4 below.  It is imperative that we get the word to all of our members stressing necessity to comply with this practice immediately.
Gil Gore 

5.8.2: Sounding Whistle
The whistle may be used at anytime as a warning regardless of any whistle prohibitions.  When other employees are working in the immediate area, sound the required whistle signal before moving.
Other forms of communications may be used in place of whistle signals, except signals (1), (7) and (8). See following chart. The required whistle signals are illustrated by "o" for short sounds and "-" for longer sounds.



[1] Succession of short sounds

Use when persons or livestock are on the track at other than road crossings at grade. In addition, use to warn railroad employees when an emergency exists, such as a derailment. When crews on other trains hear this signal, they must stop until it is safe to proceed.

[2] -

When stopped: air brakes are applied, pressure equalized.

[3] - -

Release brakes. Proceed

[4] o o

Acknowledgement of any signal not otherwise provided for.

[5] o o o

When stopped: back up. Acknowledgment of hand signal to back up.

[6] o o o o

Request for signal to be given or repeated if not understood.

[7]- - o -

Approaching public crossings at grade with the engine in front, start signal at least 15 seconds but not more than 20 seconds before the crossing.  If movement exceeds 59 45 MPH, start signal at or about the crossing sign or not more than 1/4 mile before the crossing if no sign.  Prolong or repeat signal until engine occupies the crossing(s).
In the states of California, Idaho and Montana:

  • Always start the whistle signal at the crossing sign for all crossings, public and private.
  • If no sign, or if movement begins between sign and crossing, sound whistle at least 15 seconds before engine enters the crossing.

In addition, use this signal when approaching private crossings if pedestrians or motor vehicles are at or near this crossing, or if something obstructs the view of the crossing.

[8] - o

Approaching men or equipment on or near the track, regardless of any whistle prohibitions. After this initial warning, train will continue to intermittently sound whistle signal 4 (2 shorts) until head end of train has passed the work location.