From: Gil Gore []
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 8:30 AM
To: All Local Chairmen
Subject: Hazmat Training
Labor College plans radioactive waste handling course
CLEVELAND, May 5 — The National Labor College (NLC) is offering a special radioactive materials training course to railroad workers at the George Meany Center during the week of July 10. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the number of rail shipments involving radioactive materials is expected to increase in coming years. Beginning as early as 2007, the DOE is expected to begin a 38-year project to transport spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste from DOE sites to storage and disposal facilities. With the increase in rail shipments comes the increased risk for rail incidents involving radioactive material. This year, the Rail Workers Hazmat Training Program was awarded funding to provide training to rail workers to increase their knowledge of the transportation of radioactive materials. To meet this training need, during the week of July 10, 2006, the Rail Program will conduct a 3-1/2 day hazmat awareness and security training course combined with a radiological transportation train the trainer course. The 10-hour hazmat awareness and security training course will be followed by a two-day DOE-sponsored Modular Emergency Response Radiological Transportation Training (MERRTT) train the trainer course. All training will be conducted on the George Meany Campus of the National Labor College in Silver Spring, Md.The program will begin on Monday, July 10, at 7 p.m., and end by 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 13. Funding for this course will cover overnight room accommodations and three meals a day at NLC. Limited scholarships are available to cover travel expenses and provide stipends for participants unable to secure paid time off from the railroad, or other sources. Call Carol Rodgers at the Hazmat office (301-439-2440) for more information on scholarships.Since space for this course is limited, completed registration forms should be faxed, mailed or e-mailed to the Hazmat office (see below) as soon as possible. Interested rail workers may also call the Hazmat office to register by phone, or register online: Workers Hazardous Materials Training Program10000 New Hampshire AvenueSilver Spring, Maryland 20903(301) 439-2440(301) 628-0165 -faxcrodgers@nationallaborcollege.orgThis training is funded in whole or in part with Federal Funds from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and supplemental funding to support peer training from the North American Railway Foundation (NARF).A copy of the registration form is available as PDF from the BLET website at:
Friday, May 05,
© 2006 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen