-----Original Message----- From: Gil Gore [mailto:gilgore@bletsr.org] Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 2:00 PM To: All DFW - Longview Local Chairmen Subject: FW: Guarantee reroutes pools.
Below is a message sent by Harry to timekeeping setting up the guarantee for the below listed pools associated with the reroute of trains allegedly beginning July 16th 2006. The Guarantee will go into effect on July 16, 2006 for the listed pools. These will remain in effect until the reroutes are over which is projected to be about 6 weeks. In exchange for this guarantee we have agreed to add turns to the following pools to accommodate the traffic at UP's request.
TS316 RE84 - 2 turns TP250 RE55 - 4 turns TP215 RE85 - 6 turns TP215 RE81 - 6 turns
Those turns have been advanced bulletined and placed at the bottom of the respective boards in inactive status so that we can have them assigned when the work arrives. They have also filled all the requests for the respective extra boards to accommodate this service.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Fraternally, Gil Gore
-----Original Message----- From: HASTRAUB@up.com [mailto:HASTRAUB@up.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:12 PM To: PGKENNY@up.com; DKSTEPHE@up.com; SFBOONE@up.com Cc: MBRAZYTIS@UP.COM; JRKEY@up.com; lfritz@up.com; JDJONES@up.com; MMWHATLE@up.com; GDWORKMA@up.com; RMSCOGGI@up.com; JJMAGEE@up.com; gilgore@bletsr.org Subject: Guarantee reroutes pools.
Due to the large amount of reroutes resulting from the Del Rio sub curfew I would like the following Ft. Worth hub pools guraranteed at the following rates for the duration of the curfew starting 07/16/06 for approx 6 weeks. I have talked to both General Chairmen and all Local Chairmen regarding the guarantees listed below. Any questions please call me 591-3700.
Shreveport to Longview TS316 RE84 & RT83 Extra board guarantee rate plus bonus day
Dallas to Hearne TP215 RE85 & RT85 Extra board guarantee rate plus bonus day
Dallas to Sweetwater TP215 RE81 & RT81 10 starts per half including short crew pay
Ft. Worth to Sweetwater TP250 RE55 & RT55 Extra board guarantee rate plus bonus day
Sweetwater to Pecos TP448 RE50 & RT50 Extra board guarantee rate plus bonus day