Friday, August 04, 2006

FW: DOT DMS Docket No. FRA-2006-24646

From: Pontolillo, Tom []
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 9:11 AM
To: Hahs, Don M.; McPherson, Dale; Lee Pruitt; Young, Michael A.; MacArthur, Bruce; Hannah, D; Donnigan, Tim; Rightnowar, Charles; Gore, Gil; Briggs, Terry D.; Carter, T. Joseph; Dimond, Tony; Hysell, Mike; Jones, Terry R.; Keele, James; Kelley, Brian P.; Kurtz, Jeff; Meek, Randy D.; Palmer, Scott G.; Perkovich, Thomas J.; Renfro, I. Perry; Ricci, Mark K.; Smith, Timothy L.; Svob, Robert S.; Todd, Arlin; Todd, Terry L.; Way, C. Edward; Weston, Michael; Worthington, Jeff
Cc: Cothen, Grady C.; Brunkenhoefer, James M.; Stem, James
Subject: DOT DMS Docket No. FRA-2006-24646


Per Brother Tolman, attached for your information and files is a copy of comments in opposition filed today in connection with the above-referenced docket (Click Here to view PDF Document), which pertains to Union Pacific’s petition to amend 49 CFR § 236.586(a) to provide that daily or after trip tests of automatic cab signal or train stop or train control systems would not be required so long as the system was inspected and tested once every 92 days.  The current rule waives daily or after trip tests only when the inspection and test cycle is less than 60 days.

Please note the new direct fax number listed below.  Anything faxed to that number will immediately be converted to a TIFF file and e-mailed to me.  If you use Outlook, the attached vCard can be used to bring your information up to date.


Thomas A. Pontolillo

Director of Regulatory Affairs

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

1370 Ontario Street, Standard Building Mezzanine

Cleveland, Ohio  44113-1702

Cle direct dial:  (216) 377-3503

DC direct dial:  (202) 624-8748

Direct fax:  (216) 694-0255
