Wednesday, October 25, 2006

NTSB Makes Recommendations on April 3, 2005 Amtrak - BNSF

This recommendation addresses the adequacy of the amount of time available for track inspections conducted by the BNSF Railway Company’s (BNSF’s) employees. The recommendation is derived from the Safety Board’s investigation of the April 3, 2005, derailment of Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) passenger train No. 27, near Home Valley, Washington,1 and is consistent with the evidence we found and the analysis we performed. As a result of this investigation, the Safety Board has issued four recommendations discussed below. The Safety Board would appreciate a response from you within 90 days addressing the actions you have taken or intend to take to implement our recommendation.

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following safety recommendation to the Federal
Railroad Administration:
Extend to all classes of track safety standards for concrete crossties that address at a minimum the following: limits for rail seat abrasion, concrete crosstie pad wear limits, missing or broken rail fasteners, loss of appropriate toeload pressure, improper fastener configurations, and excessive lateral rail movement. (R-06-19)”

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following safety recommendation to the Association of American Railroads and the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association:
“Using the circumstances of the April 3, 2005, accident near Home Valley, Washington, emphasize to your members through your publications, web site, and conferences, as appropriate, the need to establish inspection guidelines for track inspectors that address the problems and characteristics unique to concrete crossties for all classes of track. As your members develop these guidelines, encourage them to consider the elements in 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 213, "Track Safety Standards," for concrete crossties for Classes of Track 6 and higher. (R-06-21)”

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following safety recommendation to the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association:
“Using the circumstances of the April 3, 2005, accident near Home Valley, Washington, emphasize
to your railroad members through your publications, web site, and conferences, as appropriate, the need to establish inspection guidelines for track inspectors that address the problems and characteristics unique to concrete crossties for all classes of track. As your railroad members develop these guidelines,
encourage them to consider the elements in 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 213, "Track Safety Standards," for concrete crossties for Classes of Track 6 and higher. (R-06-22)”

The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following safety recommendation to the BNSF Railway Company:
“As part of your track inspector audit program,
determine whether inspectors are provided adequate track time to perform their duties, and take corrective action if necessary. (R-06-20)”