From: Thomas Frederick []
Subject: DISCIPLINE ALERT: SSI Item #10, Rule 6.32.2
Brothers & Sisters:
Recently, a crew was subjected to an FTX in which the testing managers turned off the external power source for a road crossing at grade, to test the crew’s reaction and compliance with SSI Item #10, Rule 6.32.2. This SSI revision states the following (in pertinent part):
6.32.2 Automatic Warning Device
Report malfunctioning automatic crossing warning devices to the train dispatcher or to the Grade Crossing Safety Hot Line (800-848-8715) by the first available means of communication. If equipped, when the white power-on light on the exterior of the signal house is not lit, or when a strobe light on the exterior of the signal house is flashing, immediately notify the train dispatcher or Grade Crossing Safety Hot Line.
In the instant case, with the external power source disabled, the signal house light was no longer illuminated and the crossing gates operated much slower than “normal”, because they were operating on battery power. The crew did not contact the train dispatcher or the Grade Crossing Safety Hotline as required by the rule, and they were issued an Act 2 (conferencing handled on the ground). Because of the potential for serious ramifications and repercussions of malfunctioning crossing warning devices, the Carrier has embarked upon this test as a way to measure knowledge and compliance with the rule. Count on this test being conducted system-wide. These lights are also installed on BNSF crossings, so count on this same test being conducted on that property as well.
Be observant for this light at grade crossings. They aren’t very big, and some are brighter than others. A tell-tale sign that the crossing warning devices are functioning on battery power will be slower than normal operation of the gate arms. Special vigilance should be taken during periods of reduced visibility (fog, heavy rain, etc.), and during stormy conditions when high winds may have caused local power outages. Contact the train dispatcher if you see a signal light not illuminated. Follow-up by calling the Grade Crossing Safety Hotline to report the defect, and ask for a response to the report.
Work Safely.
Tom Frederick