From: Gil Gore []
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 3:31 PM
To: All Local Chairmen
Subject: FW: Posting IBT election notice.
Click Here to download a PDF copy of the debate transcript.
Complete Video of the Hoffa - Leedham debate:
Gil Gore
From: Mike Davis [] Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 3:15 PM
To: Chuck Breeden; David C. Battle;; Jackie Gregor; James Ussery;; joe stice;; juan jose gonzalez; Kerry S. Knutsen; Megan Mead; Melvin N. McNeil; R. L. King; Randall C. Hardwick; Scott Piekarski; Tony Brown
Subject: Posting IBT election notice.
We are directed by the IBT to post the attached notice on every bulletin board at your division office and on bulletin boards at the work sites of employers of your members which are maintained for the display of union-related materials. This notice provides information to your members about the candidates running in the upcoming election. Please do this A.S.A.P. Your help is appreciated.
Mike Davis