Wednesday, August 13, 2008

FW: Rooms for 2008 SWCM



For your info, please see Brother Grimes’ message below about the SWMA coming up in St. Louis MO.




From: D Grimes []
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 3:11 PM
To: Gil Gore; Jim Dayton; Bill Hannah; Bruce McArthur; Michael Young
Subject: Rooms for 2008 SWCM


Brothers:  Please forward the following message to your members;




Dave Grimes




As we have sold out our block at the Hilton for the 2008 SWCM in St. Louis we have secured a block of rooms at The Millennium Hotel.  This hotel is very nice and is only a block and a half from the Hilton and within easy walking distance.   We have a contract rate of $135.00 per night.  You can contact the hotel by phone at 1-866-866-8086 or 314-241-9500 and ask for the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers rate.  You can also make your reservations by following the link below.


Above is the link to access the reservation booking engine for our group. If you would like to get more information on the hotel, you can go through the website at


Dave Grimes
