Friday, August 29, 2008

Limo Reporting Hotline Available Online



Thanks to Brother Scott Alexander’s assistance we now have a Limo Reporting Hotline where crews can enter information to correct limo issues.  The site is accessible from the claim webpage main page for each member.  If you as a local chairman need to file a report for a member, simply do a “Find a Member” search and select the AC / Limo Reporting link to file a record for that member.


It is imperative that everyone provide the requested detail information so that we can properly identify the who, what, when and where of the situation.  f our members will use this feature, it offers the opportunity to track limo delays along with excessive hours on duty by capturing that information into our online database. 


The site can be accessed by going to the New Claims Link on our website ( or by going directly to the claims page at and logging into the system to fill out the report.


I will put out a broad case message in the system to notify all members of the new feature when they log into the system and acknowledge the message.

If you are logging in to the WebClaims system for the first time, the default password is the last four digits of your EID #. It is highly recommended to change the password once you have successfully logged in to the system. You may do this by the "Edit Your Profile" link from the Main Menu.

Kudos to Brother Scott Alexander for his extra effort to set this system up so quickly.


Hoping you find this information useful, I remain.


Gil Gore.